The first 7.3% notes were sold
out of the Confederate Treasury Department on May 5th,
1862. Interest was set to be paid on January 1st of
every year. When interest was paid a STAMP
endorsement was added to the back of the note. There are
quite a few stamps that indicate the place where interest was
paid. Some are common and others quite scarce.
Some IP are unknown like the one shown above. While we
don't know by whom or where these unknown stamps were applied
we can at times make an educated guess to a general location
based on other endorsements or stamps on the back of the
note. A few of the manuscript IP indicate location, but
most simply say Interest Paid.
While most IP are January 1st, there are a few known with
other dates. July 1st IP are known as stamp and
manuscript. Other dates such as March 28th and July 3rd
are known in manuscript. Other dates could show up as
more people take the time to inspect the back of their notes.
Report Unlisted IP}
The Interest
Paid Location lists the known IP for both varieties of
Trains {T39 & T40} & Hoers {T41}. The stamps
illustrated in this section are common to all three
issues. Comments about these stamps are are personal
opinions and if I'm aware of a differing opinion, I will
notate it.
These Images Are Exact Sizes
I have tried to make them look near the exact size but over
the years Image Sizes have Varied
You should be able to get a General Idea of what each looks
like and also the
Shapes of Numbers, Letters, Position &c
This is especially true of the
UnKnown Location Stamps
: 1863, 1864, 1865
Only one variety of 1863 has been reported
This is a
Counterfeit Augusta 1863 on CT39
Two variety of
1864 has been reported
1865 has two styles and two
Last two digits of dates missing!

New Discovery 2020 by TM13
1865 Black
1865 Blue
1864 Dark
1864 Small Light Blue
Large Type
1864 Small Type
1865 Usual
Blue Ink
JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI : 1863, 1864, 1865
The above are three standard types for Jackson
Below are examples of manuscript alteration to old IP stamp.
Manuscript 5/3
Manuscript 5/4
KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE : 1863, 1864, 4/3
< This is a
BOGUS Knoxville IP Stamp. It
is slightly smaller than a genuine IP stamps. Notice the
hyphen between month & year. This is
contemporary stamp. This stamp was made and added to notes
by a collector during the late 20th Century who didn't own one
and thought it would make his note worth more. He is said
to have made a Little Rock Bogus IP Stamp too.
MACON, GEORGIA : 1864, 1865 Red/Orange
Color Variety 1865 Black
MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA : 1863 {color var}, 1864, 1865
Variety ~ 1864 Blue
New Variety ~ 1865 Black (photo)
is a
BOGUS Montgomery IP stamp. It isn't
comtemporary. Notice it says
1963. The exact
reason this stamp exists isn't known, but we speculate it was
added during the Civil War Centennial in 1963 designating
interest was still being paid 100 years later. It is
nothing more than an interesting conversation piece.
Everything else related to the note it was found on was
RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA : 1863, 1864, 1865
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA : 1863, 1864, 1865
New Varieties
Courtesy Roger Adamek 2013
Large AT
Small AT
Large AT
Small AT - Red-Orange
Large AT
Small AT
Large AT
Small AT
Small AT - Crude
SAVANNAH, GEORGIA : 1863, 1864, 1865
Normal 1864
^ New
discovery 2012 - Small 1864
Normal 1865
The 5 fell out of the stamp or it didn't
ink correctly and it was
WILMINGTON, N.C. - Henry Savage Depositary
: 1864, 1865
UnKnown Location IP Stamps
There are a lot of UnKnown IP Stamps. The
following are a representative sample of UnkIP.
LARGE TWO LINE : 1863, 1864, 1865/4 Manuscript 5 over 4.
Same Type Common
These are believed to be from Trans-Mississippi and very
possibly Texas. They are found quite often
with Houston and San Antonio issued notes, although a few
have been found on notes issued in Mississippi [AT] ie
Jackson, MS. I have never seen this IP associated with
any Eastern areas [AV].
We have now (January 2015) seen enough of
these IP associated with Places, "Other" Persons and
military Officers in the Transmississippi that there is no
doubt in our minds that they are a Texas Intrest Paid Stamp.
Some believe that San Antonio is most logical as that
was the main location for business between Mexico and the
Transmississippi Department. I am inclined to agree.
Standard 1863

< This
is manuscript
over standard 1863
Standard 1864
/ 1863

This is
5 /
4 / 3
/ 1864
1865 / 186?
(probably 1864)
LARGE TWO LINE : 1865 Only a few seen
This IP might be Army of Tennessee
area. Not enough specimens seen to make an educated
guess other than to assume it's not from the Army of VA
area. It's very near the same as the last examples
and it too could be a Trans-Miss IP.
Large One Line (Two Different Shown) :
Look almost the same but
Numbers in Date are slightly different.
< Look at very minute
Tips of the "1" are
different than next example (enlarge image to see)
NEW to List 2010
New to Census - 2013 Order of Text is Reversed! RA
Most likely the stamp was put together this
way by accident and was corrected for subsequent
LARGE ONE LINE with BARS : 1863 Several have now shown up
since people starte looking
This IP is probably from some some location in
the Southeast such as inland from populated areas such as
NC, SC, GA, AL and perhaps MS. It is well made and
was probably made for use by a traveling agent.
There is no way to know exactly where it was used.
LARGE ONE LINE with BARS : 1864 Newly Reported (2) as of Feb.
This IP has just now been noticed. There
could well be more of them out there. It appears to
be the same type print as the 1863 above. I'm unsure
if the 'type' (size) is identical or not as the images are
not the same resolution but it appears to be. Bars
are set closer on this stamp.
Mixed Small Print & Medium size Date (MEDIUM in SIZE)
ONE LINE : 1863 Only a few seen
Origin unknown but probably
SC or NC. Found with Charleston Postal issued and
between Raleigh, NC 1864 & 1865 IP.
Charlie Knupp TM26 believes this unknown Interest Paid stamp
was used in and around Wilmington, North Carolina. The font
looks similar if not exactly the same as the Wilmington
January 1863 Issued Stamp and the Henry Savage 1864 Interest
Paid stamp (see
After viewing a number of Trains with both of those stamps
as well as sandwiched between a manuscript Issued Wilmington
1862 and a Henry Savage Interest Paid 1864 I too believe
this to be a very logical assumption.
LARGE: Two Line: 1865
This stamp is fairly common and known
for various varieties.
This image shows you three (3) variety of this
stamp. The top example has the type set almost
completely straight and is incompletely inked. The
middle example has complete inking, but we begin to see the
"IN" in interest raised just a little bit above the
other letters. The last example shows us a drastic
shift in the type with "IN" raised even more so above
the rest of the letters.
These differences are due to the looseness of a
screw and/or the spacers that held this IP stamp
together. Primary area of usage is unknown at this
MEDIUM in Size TWO LINE 1864 :
I have only seen a few of these although as collectors look
for them a few more have shown up. There are likely
more than a couple die states for these Interest Paid
stamps. At top you see one that is almost
straight. The bottom example is drastically curved and
shows doubling likely from the looseness of the type in the
collar. (Very similar to the Large 2 line 1865 shown
MEDIUM TWO LINE : 1865 First of this type that I've
seen (Oct 2006)
This UnKnown IP was found on T41 with UnKnown 1863
manuscript Issued and Medium Two Line Curved 1864 of the
type shown above.
SMALL TWO LINE : 1863 Common
with partial round collar. Found on a wide range of
notes issued from Richmond and Montgomery, also with IP from
AT areas like Augusta & Savannah GA as well as Jackson
& Columbus MS. ONE stamp or one of several similar
stamps is unknown at this time. Origin most likely
Richmond, VA sent out with from Treasury dept.
Error Stamping
ERROR Interest Paid is placed here for display. We
really didn't have another place to put it. Obviously
this was an accidental stamping on to the front of this 730
Ink Variety!!
1863 as at top but was stamped with BLUE ink.
This is only example currently
(AS 2013)
Small TWO Line :
1864 Scarce!
Recent discovery - probably overlooked.
This stamp is definitely
not common!
SMALL TWO LINE Blue : 1863 Seldom seen
Origin believed to be Columbus, Miss.
The ink is the same color [lighter
than Montgomery] as found on 1864 & 1865 IP's
from that location. Also, the small type is similar to
the 1865 IP stamp from that city.
SMALL TWO LINE : 1865 Seldom seen
The one example I have is found with
Montgomery Issued roundel, Montgomery 1863 IP, 1 July 1863 and
Medium 2 line 1864. This leads me to believe
it's from South East AV or Gulf Coast area AT.
Mixed: Small TWO LINE with Micro -
Date: 1865
Showing this new stamp with small 2 line for comparison
No one has ventured an opinion on how
scarce this IP is; but, only one I've seen!
Quite Scarce!
Stamped into the Montgomery
Issued roundel, I don't think there can be any
question this IP was used by that depository.
1863 interest was also paid at Montgomery. I
believe it is known on other issues but those notes
could have been brought to Montgomery for interest
Manuscript IP
There are an even greater number of manuscript IP
of known and unknown origin. These
are just samples of the many that can be found. The only
known Stamp Odd-Date IP is shown above. There are a
number of Odd-Date IP at the end of these examples of
Manuscript IP!
JANUARY 1ST, 1863 : Two Examples -
Manuscript IP are seldom seen!
January 1st 1863
Much Less Common 1 Jany 1863
Another handwriting variety,
ie JanY 1/63
< Interest Paid Up To..
January 1st 1863
*Extremely Unusual!
JANUARY 1ST, 1864 : Common
"Interest paid To Jany 1 '64"
This is written in the handwriting of Edward
who was
Chief Depositary of Arkansas.
Here's a manuscript 1st Jany 1864 that isn't so common.
It also has a NAME - Henry Savage, Depositary and a
PLACE - Wilmington, North Carolina. A second
reported example is shown. It has the first name spelled
out and Depositary spelled out. It is missing
"1st" before January stating simply January.(If you have
one of these please report it.)
JANUARY 1ST, 1865 : Common
Uncommon are these Blue Ink manuscript
Interest Paid. Here are two examples. One is
either under or over an 1865 Macon Georgia stamp. I
believe the stamp is over the handwritten IP and likely
they were writing them and someone found the stamp and
started using it overstamping one they had already written
the IP statement on. The first one says "Int Pd to
Jany 1/65" and the other says "Int paid to Jany 1 1865".
There are currently 3 pieces known of the example at
left and one known of example at right. Both
varieties were reported to me Jan 2013.
5/3 A very unusual Interest Paid combining
manuscript with stamp. First reported where Place
was crossed out.
Whoever paid the interest
in 1865 simply wrote a 5 over the 3 on this Jackson (MS)
1863 stamp and crossed out JACKSON.
This "5" appears to be exactly like the 5 written in
over 3 on an "Issued January 1st 1865/3" recently added to
this site. That issued manuscript is found on the
page showing Date Only. The practice of writing a
number over another number is found on many of the
Transmississippi notes. Study of many of those notes
(manuscript issued place and/or person) leads us to
believe the interest was paid at San Antonio Texas.
This stamp and other mentioned came from a dealer in
San Antonio Texas.
are Extremely Scarce!
October 11th, 1862
This is now the earliest reported Interest Paid
- October 11th 1862. This note was
issued June 26, 1862. Here we have
everything one could want to see on this T39
Train. Interest was Paid and the number of
days have been calculated and then it was Reissued
October 26th, 1862 (this image will be seen on the
Person page) and signed by James Sorley who was
the Depositary for Texas (also Collector
Galveston). What a wonderful note! [RA
(This is a Civil Agent. For First Officer IP
see R.J. Hill March 1st, 1863)
December 8th, 1862
This is now the 2nd earliest
Reported Odd or Non-Standard IP statement for the
year 1862. As you can see interest was paid a
little over two months prior to the note being
Re-Issued at Houston Texas on Feb 20th 1863.
[AS 2013)
January 28th, 1863

This note was taken
in for "dues" (taxes &c) on Jan 28th 1863.
Interest was "allowed" even though it is mark
"paid". The note was then Re-Issued on
February 19th 1863.
February 4th 1863
This is really a neat example of Odd
Date Interest Paid. This note was paid interest
to and likely on the specific day of
February 4th 1863. It is now the 2nd earliest
Odd Date IP that I have recorded and first for 1863
after the specific 1 Jan date. Most likely the
note and the interest were used to pay Taxes.
The note was then reissued from Houston on March
9th. Inteerest was again paid to 1 July 1863 and
finally 1 Jan 1864. There was no 1865 IP stamp
on the note.
The unknown IP below for 1 July and 1 January tend to
tie those two IP stamps to the Transmississippi.
We don't know where they were applied but likely
it was in or around Houston with only four months
between issuance and interest paid.
March 1st, 1863
R. J. Hill
This is the only example I'm aware of
where an Acting Quartermaster paid Interest on a 730
note. We have proof that Quartermaster's (AQM
&c) were defacto employees of the Treasury
Department in that they were bonded and were put 'On
Report' if they didn't file their paperwork. If
they didn't comply with Treasury rules, they were
removed from their office (rank). Here we have a
non standard Interest Paid on March 1st 1863 by this
military officer. Hill was assigned to the 22nd
Alabama Regiment and was Bonded. His post was
Knoxville TN in September of 1862 and according to
records dated Feb 11th and March 4th, 1863, he was at
Shelbyville, TN when interest was paid on this 730
note. The note this endorsement is found on is a
T41. [RA]
1st, 1863 (see stamp for same date)
This one is interesting as it
has red issued date of March 9, 1863, Interest
Paid (manuscript) July 1, 1863 and then two
other unknown 1 January for 1864 & 1865.
July 3rd, 1863
Misc Interest Calculations:
A few examples to show some Interest
Calculations found on 730 Notes. Most are in
pencil but a few are found in ink.
Interest on 9 Notes
Up To 4
February 1864
This calculation is
in Pencil
This is
also an Odd Interest Paid Date
Unknown Small 1864 Interest
Paid Stamp
This stamp is Very Scarce!
Interest was Calculated in INK
from October 2nd, 1862 (Registry
of Note
Notice Corrections: You
don't count the day issued
1) Changed Oct from 30 to
29 days (2 to 31 is 29)
2) Total from 91 to 90
3) Plus + 365 is
whole year
4) 365 + 90 = 455 days at
2¢ per day = $9.10 (not shown)
May 3rd, 1864
This calculation has to be for
more than one note plus some additional time for
interest allowed on this specific note. The
numbers are days of the month from issuance date on
front of note through May 3rd. At first I found
myself off a day, but I went back and looked at the
Calendar for 1864 and found that February had 29 days.
Image Reverse
These calculations are in Pencil:
16 30 31 for Oct - Dec 1862
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30
31 for Jan - Dec 1863
It also shows 124 (days to &
including) May 3rd '64
31 Jan
29 Feb (leap year)
31 Mar
30 Apr
3 May
(Here it means through or including)
124 Total Days
There had to be two notes with same
issuance date which gave a total of 884 (442 ea) and
then an additional 124 days was allowed to May 3, '64
giving an additional 124 days for one note = 1,008 days
x .02 cents = $20.16
Interest Due
- August 30th 1864
When we only had one example we thought this
might have been a "unique" way of writing "Interest Paid"
&c; but, since a second example has been discovered; the
current consensus is that the person holding the note wrote
this statement and may or may not have actually received the
Interest that was Due on the note
This may have been either an interest paid or an
interest allowed showing the amount: $13.22.
This is Iron Gaul brown ink and is quite "unique". <
was unique
The interest notated as due, $3.38, is incorrect.
The note was issued (dated) June 30th 1862. This
is the reason we think an individual likely wrote this
notation. He simply figured 30 days for each month
and added 19 more days at 2¢ per day. So, Five (5)
months x 30 days = 150 @ 2¢
= $3.00 + .19 x 2¢
= .38 for a total of $3.38.
This is still an extremely Scarce
notation in that it is only the 2nd one discovered since
we started this site that says Interest
Due! Obverse
This is the END of this section.
New addtions will be added as found. The
manuscripts are just to give you an idea of what is seen and
there are many different unknown manscript IP statements.
If you should find anything you think is different
with the stamps please contact Roger
Adamek so that your discovery can be added to this
listing. I probably won't add any more of the
manscript IP unless they are an Odd Date.