Trainmen Pictures
Dalton, Georgia
Second Gathering

Some Images are slightly out of focus.
Imaged - Left to Right
Brad Ciociola TM49, Greg Ton SA11, Pierre Fricke TM10, Roger Adamek TM30 (Past Commander 2016-17), Crutch Williams TM01, Randy Shipley TM05, Amanda Sheheen TM06, Vernon Valance TM19, Jim Fitzgerald TM34 (Present Commander 2017-2018), Hugh Shull SA03
Present but not in this Group photo:
Chris Jones TM35 & Hank Simmons SA17

Crutch Williams & Randy Shipley
Founders Trainmen

Roger Adamek turns over leadership of Trainmen to Jim Fitzgerald
as Randy Shipley & Vernon Valance look on

Commander Jim Fitzgerald

Secret Agent Hugh Shull (left) with
Trainmen Brad Ciociola (center) & Randy Shipley (right)

Pierre Fricke

Vernon Valance

Brad Ciociola

  Crutch TM01 (Pooey) with Amanda MM01 (Scarlet)

Randy Shipley with Special Agent Greg Ton

Amanda Sheheen with her Dad
Special Agent Austin Sheheen

Special Agent Hank Simmons (right) missed Group Photo
Picture taken at Philip Lamb's table

Photos taken by Crutch Williams & Roger Adamek with our phone cameras.